Monday, June 3, 2024

Nurse June requests POTP for her Mommy

Dear Friends mine Mommy had a really sick spell over the weekend.
Our comments are off so she can rest and recuperate... 
I would greatly appreciate some loving comments for her here today
Thank you 

You may Click HERE to read what happened



  1. June darling I am so very very sorry to read about your Mommy. That was a very very scary for her and her friend. I am very thankful she was out and about and not at home alone.
    Very very thankful for all the kind folks who assisted her.
    Please give her a gentle paw pat on her cheek
    Healing hugs

  2. We are so sorry that your mommy had this horrible scare, Juney. We are crossing paws and sending lots of SpanielZen and healing vibes your mommy's way. Take good care of her, Nurse Juney!

  3. What a scary thing for your Mommy to go through June. We are glad she is home, and are sending healing purrs and Lhasa cuddles her way
    Sunny and Rosy

  4. I'm sending my prayers and my angels are sending their purrs. Very frightening. I hope that all the tests provide a concrete reason for this, and I sincerely hope it's a one time event. ❤️🙏

  5. Let's hope that kitty nurse June will manage to care for her Mommy!
    It is quite a scare...
    Mariette + Kitties

  6. I am praying for your mommy to be better soon. XO

  7. we are on it, June Baby... coming your way

  8. Nurse June, we know you will do all that you can to keep your Mommy well, but don't let her be stubborn. If she needs care, we want her to get it. We will cross our paws and Mom for sure ends lot so prayers for all the be fine asap

    Hugs and Woos - Misty, Timber and Mom

  9. We know you are doing all you can to help your mom feel better, June. Our paws are crossed that she is back on her feet real soon.

  10. June, thanks for letting us know why it's so quiet at your home...
    We pups are sending her our licks and butt wiggles to cheer her up, and also our bestest POTP! Petcretary adds her prayers for a good and quick recovery.
    Glad that help was right there to get her on that road to recovery.
