Thursday, August 24, 2023

Simon OTRB

 Simon is the older fur-mate, PUDDLES Rainwater, who is well known to many

pet friends. Puddles was devoted to Simon

This link is to Allison's FB account.  Allison is a former pet blogger, but no longer
actively posting

Bonham from Lone Star Cats OTRB


Please click here to leave his family some words of comfort

Seppo OTRB

 click here to visit their blog

Tuesday, August 22, 2023

POTP for Hailey

Please place all paws together for our dear friend HAILEY ... she was
having back pain and during a vet visit for this, suffered an unexpected
neurological event. Lady and the Man, along with Phod are concerned
and anxious for her well being ~ as we ask for the Power of the Paw,
Hailey is resting comfortably while her family must wait for more
information about her condition, thank you.

Please click HERE to leave dear Hailey, Lady, Man and Phod POTP

Friday, August 18, 2023

Healing Purrs for Brody and Julie

Let's all put our paws together for these two dear kitty friends,
both in need of "purrs and prayers".


Dear BRODY from 15 and Meowing, he of such a good little heart, has just
learned he has a very long wait ahead until he can have tests for his
heart condition. No one likes to wait, but with lots of paws together
he'll do just fine in the weeks to come.


JULIE from Mickey's Musings is recovering from her surgery ... soon to have
stitches removed, and hopefully be back out to her sun-and-yard to run
and play.

Saturday, August 12, 2023

Mr. Puddy OTRB

 You may visit his family HERE

Purrfect Tuxie man from head to toe
Uwere loved to the moon and back
Daringly adventurous
Delightful commentary on your blog
You gave all who knew you reasons to SMILE

Wednesday, August 9, 2023

POTP for Misty...


Please click here to visit Chronicle of Woos

Most beautiful Woo girl
Incredible friend to all
Sister to Timber and Lightning
Two Eyes one brown and one blue
You are loved and thought of daily