Saturday, December 23, 2023

POTP for Selina


Many of you probabaly remember our dear friend Selina, from the blog One Eye On the Future. We were so happy to help sweet Selina find her forever home with her Mom Lara. Sadly, Selina has been diagnosed with Leukemia. Lara and Selina could use some purrs and prayers please.

They don’t blog much anymore, but please feel free to leave a comment on the latest blog post here:

Also, if you are on Facebook, you might try leaving a comment here:

Wednesday, December 6, 2023

POTP for Jessee

Handsome JESSE ~ from Wonderpurr Life has been diagnosed with lymphoma
and will be traveling to the Univ. of North Florida Small Animal Hospital to meet
with the oncology staff early next week.  Please keep paws together for a
pawsitive outcome that Jesse, his doctors and his family will find a way to
beat the evil "c".  Thank you.

Click HERE to visit Jesse's blog


Wednesday, November 29, 2023

Tuesday, November 14, 2023

October OTRB

Please click here to visit Th Rainbow Friends Blog


Monday, November 13, 2023

Monday, October 23, 2023

Purrs and Prayers for Loulou's Pawrents

The Mama and the Papa went away. They said it was a little trip to visit family.
Mmmmm. But then the evil Covid made her sick. Then it made him sick. MEOW.
They've been gone for a gazillion days and nights and I am missing them too,
too much. Tell me, purr-please, are Mama and Papa coming back home with
cuddles and purrs for Loulou? And foodz?

Click here to visit Loulou's blog

Thursday, October 12, 2023


TKS, The Kid Sage ~ as her sisfur Savannah lovingly called her, has now been
called to her forever home. She was truly loved and is truly missed. Please
take a moment to visit with words of comfort for all who are feeling the
loss of this beautiful girl ~ thank you.


Monday, October 9, 2023

Brian Forever remembered


BRIAN ... he who wore the fedora, and wore it so well. He of Brian's Home Blog,
has now gone on to his new Forever Home ...
we wish him well on his journey, he will be missed by many as he was loved by many.
Rest dear one.

Remember, Adopt cats, we deserve it !!!!!

Saturday, October 7, 2023

Purrs and prayers and Love for The J-Cats


Please Click here Mom Shimona has an update on things at J-Cats  

In loving memory of TW aka Pattie Kleinke

There has been a disturbance in the force of our Blogosphere with the departure of our dear Pattie Kleinke. For those of you who may not know, Pattie was TW, The Woman, at Cathy Keisha’s (CK the kitty) blog, Stunning Keisha. Pattie was a wonderful advocate for kitties and Fred, aka Pop, has asked that in lieu of flowers that you make a donation to a TNR or Rescue in her name. I will tell you that one of her favorites was The Lucky Cat Rescue in Weehawken, NJ. Rest in peace, Pattie, you touched so many of us.

Rest well, dear friend. We will truly miss you, forever.

Thursday, October 5, 2023

POTP for Brian and his loving family


Our dear BRIAN had not been well this week, and he ~ along with his family could use
lots of purrs, prayers and paws together.  
Today, on Thankful Thursday, they would all be thankful for your support.
Please click here to leave healing purrs 

Friday, September 15, 2023

POTP for Sage and her Mom Linda

Please share some loving paws together with the family of Savannah's Paw Tracks as
they've sadly just learned that sister Sage has terminal cancer and hearts are hurting.
Also share for Mom Linda who will have serious surgery next week. Linda and Peter
are so important in their community through their continuing rescue and fostering
commitment and now is the time for us to support them. Thank you.

Thursday, September 14, 2023

August 2023 OTRB angels 

POTP: Dad at The Daily Bone and TW at Stunning Keisha

Baby and Rosie Spaniel from The Daily Bone, along with the Ghostwriter all
have their paws together ~ and it would be so good if you'd put paws together, too.
And please send and share your purrs and prayers with the whole family as
their dear Daddy has had a stroke. Recovery will take some time and they
will be missing him ~ thank you!

Please click HERE to visit GW, Rosie and Baby to leave healing thoughts.


Our good friend, TW is in need of the support and paws together of all of us right now. You
can leave comments at her blog, Stunning Keisha, although there is not a recent posting.
If you would like to send a card, please send an email to Ellen for the mailing address.
Ellen Pilch, Thank you for caring.

Wednesday, September 13, 2023

POTP for Lola and Lexy

These beautiful sisters need our purrs and thoughts.
Their mom is worried about both of them

Please Click here for updates on Lola and Lexy

Sunday, September 3, 2023



She was so beautiful, so loved ~ but now Mark has written, 'Ayla made her journey
over The Bridge just after midnight'.  Her life was good with the Mews family though
not long enough and now she joins so many who traveled before.  Again, Mark
writes, 'I will prepare a tribute for her later ~ for now, I will just go to bed and cry'.
Rest well, sweet Ayla.
Please visit her blog at link below

Friday, September 1, 2023

Puddles needs some POTP

Let's all put paws together, along with purrs 'n' prayers for dear little Puddles Rainwater. I always loved this name her huMAN sister gave her.
Many will remember her from her blog, though now you'll find her
on Facebook with her Mom, Allison.  This little mid-teen pup has been suffering from a lot of back
pain, along with weight loss and her loving Mom is so very worried ... she is
also mourning the loss of her best friend Simon, who crossed the bridge only a few weeks ago.  A visit with kind words will be welcomed, thank you. 

I am not on IntsaGram or FaceBook 

I would appreciate it if  someone could share the POTP blog address with Puddles

Thursday, August 24, 2023

Simon OTRB

 Simon is the older fur-mate, PUDDLES Rainwater, who is well known to many

pet friends. Puddles was devoted to Simon

This link is to Allison's FB account.  Allison is a former pet blogger, but no longer
actively posting

Bonham from Lone Star Cats OTRB


Please click here to leave his family some words of comfort

Seppo OTRB

 click here to visit their blog

Tuesday, August 22, 2023

POTP for Hailey

Please place all paws together for our dear friend HAILEY ... she was
having back pain and during a vet visit for this, suffered an unexpected
neurological event. Lady and the Man, along with Phod are concerned
and anxious for her well being ~ as we ask for the Power of the Paw,
Hailey is resting comfortably while her family must wait for more
information about her condition, thank you.

Please click HERE to leave dear Hailey, Lady, Man and Phod POTP

Friday, August 18, 2023

Healing Purrs for Brody and Julie

Let's all put our paws together for these two dear kitty friends,
both in need of "purrs and prayers".


Dear BRODY from 15 and Meowing, he of such a good little heart, has just
learned he has a very long wait ahead until he can have tests for his
heart condition. No one likes to wait, but with lots of paws together
he'll do just fine in the weeks to come.


JULIE from Mickey's Musings is recovering from her surgery ... soon to have
stitches removed, and hopefully be back out to her sun-and-yard to run
and play.

Saturday, August 12, 2023

Mr. Puddy OTRB

 You may visit his family HERE

Purrfect Tuxie man from head to toe
Uwere loved to the moon and back
Daringly adventurous
Delightful commentary on your blog
You gave all who knew you reasons to SMILE

Wednesday, August 9, 2023

POTP for Misty...


Please click here to visit Chronicle of Woos

Most beautiful Woo girl
Incredible friend to all
Sister to Timber and Lightning
Two Eyes one brown and one blue
You are loved and thought of daily

Friday, July 28, 2023

Friday, July 21, 2023

Julep OTRB

Julep the Westie

Please click here to visit Julep's family

J oyful

U were loved to bits

L oyal companion

E verybuddy's friend

P erfect Westie