Wednesday, December 12, 2018

POTP for Kim Brooks the Beaglz Ladiez Mom

Linda/Da Weenies of Florida saw this on FaceBook
This is all we know Please send Kim Some POTP

Update & prayer request please - Well it looks like it is happening AGAIN!(please excuse any spelling errors - vision is almost squat) Saw cornea specialist today who found epithelial defects(skin tear of the cornea basically) in 2 different locations of the right cornea - only eye with vision-

along with a highly suspicious area that looks like a fungal infection - I will start treatment for this later today. I'm not totally sure what happens the first day or two but I do know that between the infection and that eye drop my vision will get worse than it is now. When all is healed'stable then I will have another cornea transplant.
Now is REALLY NOT a good time for this - have last minute shopping to do. Thank you to Cindy Brooks who is helping me a lot to get cards mailed along with two packages for the Blogville gift exchange.
I was wondering if someone could say something on their blog as to my absence? I am still hoping to do a brief post but not sure that will happen. I would also greatly appreciate any prayers - here and in Blogville. Did I say not sure when I will be back - well, at this time I'm not.

By the way - my Ladiez are doing fine-

Here is the blog address


  1. OH NOES! Sendin' lots and lots of POTP and healin' vibes and tons of AireZens your way!!! I hopes the dogtors can gets your eyes healed up. Lots of {{{hugs}}} and slobbery kisses!
    Ruby ♥

  2. Having been through a lot of eye issues with our Dad, our Mom knows how serious the situation is for Kim. She is sending lots of prayers for healing and a successful procedure. We all have our paws crossed.

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber and Mom

  3. We are sending lots of pug prayers for Kim
    Hazel & Mabel

  4. prayers and potp and all our good wishes to Kim... we hope so much that there is a way to help her...

  5. Paws together for you, Kim ... you have been through so much with your vision, we hope and pray that this time it can be fully corrected and healed.

  6. We are sending lots and lots of AireZen and thoughts and prayers to Miss Kim.

  7. Hari Om
    So sorry to read this news... amd sending POTP x 87 for positive outcomes... YAM xx

  8. so sorry Kim, prayers and hugs coming your way... glad you have someone helping.

  9. We are sending purrayers and POTP to the Beagle Mom. (We have a beagle mom too !)

  10. Healing Pawkisses are on the way for Kim and purrayers to feel better soon💗💗💗
