Thursday, October 4, 2018

Lightning and Phod

Has surgery tomorrow to repair is CCL

Please put paws together for our sweet WOO friend LIGHTNING from the Chronicle of Woos.
It seems he had a case of the zoomies and while "zooming" took a bad turn and tore his
CCL. So send over lots of prayers for the whole family ... and especially for this
handsome boy! Thank you.

Zaphod aka brudder of Lee aka Phod

Is recovering from have one of his ginormous K9 toofers removed; however,
a darling tooth fairy paid him a visit so he is on the mend.  He just hopes he and Precious can still
play catch.


  1. Lightning here's to a successful surgery and a very quick recovery.
    Phod....I hope you and Precious are once again able to romp and play
    Hugs Cecilia

  2. Hari Om
    POTP working hard for our dear pals!!! hugs and wags YAM-aunty xxx

  3. Thank you for the good thoughts for Lightning. His surgery is scheduled for Friday morning and he should be home on Saturday. Then the fun - NOT - begins.

  4. We've been keeping an eye on their progress every day. Sending lots of POTP and hugs!

  5. Lighting - we hope you are as right as rain as grandma would say very soon. Phod - we're glad you got a stuffie from the toof fairly but it was still NO fun for you at all. Hugs and wags.

    Abby Lab

  6. Injursd while zooming. He can tell the grandkids but they won't believe him.

  7. Oh dearz - sendin'POTP to Lightning fer a successful surgery; Lightning - it won't b eazy slowin'down fer a bit butt it will help u feel better soon.

    Lady Shasta here - dear Phod - I haf had many many tooferz taken by the vet man. I know it hurtz butt it will go away furry much soon. In the meantime we send u POTP an'hope all iz better real soon.
    Lsdy Shasta'n Miss Maizie

  8. POTP for both our dear friends is winging its way across the Pond from Scotland.
    Love and Hugs from Gail and Bertie.

  9. Lots of hugs and love and POTP to both these sweet guys.. hope they feel better soon

  10. POTP for both our dear friends.
    Hazel & Mabel

  11. Hope these two big guys get through everything and are soon well !

  12. Healing Pawkisses for Lightening and Zaphod and purrayers to feel better soon💗💗💗
