Sunday, March 2, 2025

Morena OTRB

 Beautiful little Morena, whose Mom publishes the amazing Traveling Cats blog has crossed her Rainbow Bridge after a long and fulfilling life of just over twenty years together.  You can read their story, learn about Morena and leave your words

of comfort on their Instagram page, link below.  Thank you for caring.

Thursday, February 27, 2025

POTP for Da Nelly

 Currently there not a new post.  

You can click here to read the post about his sick tummy 

Please leave healing purrs and thoughts here on POTP.

My first best friend and forever hero.
Life is better with a brother by your side.
Brothers: partners in crime and keepers of secrets.
My brother, my greatest blessing.
Built-in best friend for life.
Stronger together, always.
~~author unknown~~

Friday, January 31, 2025

Dexter OTRB

 Dexter, of Three Chatty Cats, has crossed his Rainbow Bridge.

Please CLICK here to visit his family 

Sunday, January 5, 2025

Two New Angels OTRB


Please click here to visit Amber's family

From the WHITE DOG BLOG ~ Zsofia

Please click here to visit Zsofia's family

Friday, January 3, 2025

Marg Elmendorf OTRB

 The Arrival of Marg

     If on a recent Sunday afternoon, many of you tilted your heads upward, 
thinking you were hearing ever so softly the padding of hundreds of paws,
a few dozen hooves ~ some distant meowing, barking, neighing and
even a couple hee-haws ~ well, you were!
     The pandemonium at the Rainbow Bridge that afternoon even had
St. Peter calling for crowd control, and texting St. Francis of Assisi for his
     The arrival of Marg ~ our very own Marg Elmendorf ~ who had given her entire life, all her love unconditionally and wholeheartedly to countless
animals was, for all of them waiting there and crowding around heaven's
gates, a day of celebration.  This was a day they would welcome their 
Marg home.
     To read more ~ visit here ~

Donations in memory of Marg Elmendorf may be made, by PayPal to
PAWS Shelter of Anderson County, S.C.  Or you may mail a check to the
shelter directly: 1320 Highway 29 South, Anderson, SC 29626.
Please be sure to note that your contribution is on behalf of Marg, and 
include your own personal information so the shelter may
acknowledge your gift.  Thank you.