Friday, December 9, 2016

POTP for Ann from Zoolatry

I received the below for dear sweet Ann...
Please send her tons of POTP  

Needless to say sitting is very very painful
You may leave healing hugs and wishes here or on her blog


  1. I send lots of POTp and good thoughts to Ann... I had a fractured tailbone as I was a child and it was just horrible... not even the air filled swimming ring was good enough "to sit it out"...

  2. Ann we are so very sorry to read about your fal. We know it must have been very scary.
    Take care of your injuries and I send you extra kitty kisses and mom sends hugs‼️‼️
    Madi and mom

  3. Sending you POTP Ann! Mom is sending hugs and healing wishes your way.

  4. Hari OM
    Oucheroonies.... POTP working hard here! YAM xx

  5. We are sending tons of AireZen and POTP to Miss Ann!

  6. Lots of POTP and soft snuggles being sent to Miss Ann!

  7. sending tons of pug hugs and POTP for Ann!
    Mr Bailey, Hazel & Mabel

  8. OMC that hurts... Healing Pawkisses and Purrayers are on the way <3 <3 <3

  9. Sending all our love, POTP and prayers to Ann. Hope you are feeling much better soon.
    Elliot and Cricket x

  10. Oh no! Glad it wasn't worse (hitting your head and all) but we know that has got to be causing some misery!! POTP for comfort and healing!

  11. OUCH! That would be painful. Praying for a fast recovery.

  12. Sending lots of POTP and hope you feel better soon!

  13. Wow, I'm off to visit Ann! She's such a great peep, I'll pass on the POTP. *ouch*
    Grr and Woof,

  14. Oh Ann! Sending rottie-strength POTP your way!

    -Otto and Osa

  15. Crikey Ann ..... that's no good at all. I so feel for you. So close to Christmas too. Take care and know there's POTP by the ton heading your way from downunder.

  16. OIh Nose - I so get that. Mom, who thinks she's a ninja, and is really a grandma, fell a couple of years ago, and hurt herself bad. We are sending powerful POTP and will drop Ann a note.

    Abby Lab

  17. Oh no! We are sending lots and lots of POTP for Ann! Headed on over to visit her now!!

  18. Ouch!!! Lots of POTP from us. I've seen the miracle of Blogville's prayers firsthand. Hope you're feeling better.

  19. Oh dear and OUCH! We are sending many healing prayers and purrs - purr purr purr purr purr purr...

    Get better soon

    Basil & Co xox

  20. I so feel for you. So close to Christmas too.
    I liked the arrows for their help in organizing your notes.
    doctor strange (2016)
