Monday, September 5, 2016

Run Free and happy GT and Billy SweetFeets

We are sadden to post to more furiends have made their trip to the Rainbow bridge 
over the weekend


GT ... a handsome boy, and longtime "Quality Assurance" supervisor for the "ham-mick team" at Forty Paws.  He'll now forever rest on a very special ham-mick beyond the rainbow bridge.  Please visit with your words of comfort for Merceda and all the kitties left behind.  Thank you.

Billy Sweetfeets


  1. Dear loving family of GT and Sweet Billy Feets
    We are so very sorry to read they made their trip to the rainbow bridge this weekend.
    It is our hope that they found each other immediately and are pain free and chasing lightning bugs
    Hugs madi and mom

  2. Crossing our paws for comfort to their hoomans!

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  3. Hari Om
    Sending all Love and condolence to those who grieve. YAM xx

  4. POTP and hugs to the families... so much dark clouds of sorrows over blogville... sigh...

  5. We're so sad to hear about those pretty kitty cats. It's been quite a sad time in Blogville lately.

  6. We're so sorry to hear about the passing of G.T. and Billy Sweetfeets and allthough we didn't know them, we know how it feels :'( Soft Pawkisses for comfort <3 <3 <3
