Tuesday, February 21, 2023

POTP for Marley from Marks Mews


We were all sad to read that sweet Marley, of Mark's Mews has just
been diagnosed with FIV.  At age 12, he remains in fairly good health,
so the hope is this will not impact him too much.  Yet,
your paws together for this wonderful boy will be so much
appreciated.  And those who have experience with FIV positive cats are asked to share their information with Mark ~ thank you! 

Saturday, February 18, 2023

Condolences to a Melissa at the loss of her Mother

Please extend your condolences to our friend Melissa Lapierre on the loss of her
beloved mother, Joyce.
Mochas and Mysteries Meows

To Joyce Melissa's

Most beloved
Our biggest supporters
Tender loving care 
Huge hearts
Excellent life coaches
Rare gems

Melissa my sincere condolences for the loss of your Mother.
Hugs Cecilia

Wednesday, February 15, 2023

POTP for Jacqueline mom to Sukki and Rio


She is having surgery

You may reach her blog here


RIO from Jacqueline's Cat House, will be 2 years old on February 14
SUKKI from Jacqueline's Cat House, will be "sweet 16" on February 25

POTP for Carmine from Fur Everywhere.

CARMINE is doing poorly, not eating well and at age 18 this is, of course, of great 
concern.  He does suffer from kidney disease and now it may be progressing.  Your paws
together for him will be so appreciated as we wait on test results and lab work from his vet appointment yesterday ... thank you.