Saturday, December 21, 2019

Two Precious lady Cats have gone OTRB

Run free beautiful Mrs. Oz and Ruby.

Once upon a time when the cat blogging world was so much smaller,
everyone knew THE CAT REALM ... and the kitties who lived there ...
and of course, we knew and loved Mrs Oz.
She has now gone beyond. 
As they no longer blog, we have posted in her honor and memory at
our blog, and hope you can visit to leave comfort words for her
family ... thank you

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Percy from Jan's Funny Farm has gone OTRB

PERCY ~ one of the original "Funny Farmers" and sadly the last of the original
Funny Farmers ... Percy, 2004-2019 ... has crossed his Rainbow Bridge.

Jan, who so many of us know and love, has been a dear blogging friend for more
years than we can recall ... due to poor health, she has not blogged with much
frequency during the past year. Yet today, she has posted about the loss of her
Percy and I hope many of you will visit to acknowledge his passing, to let Jan
know you remember "the Farmers with love", and to let her know you care.ttps://

Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Purrs for Mom Jean of Canadian Cats

No one wants to be sick ... and in hospital at the holidays! Word is going
round (tho we're hoping maybe she is home now !!!) ... that friend to so many,
hu-mom to Shoko, Budd and Tyebe ...
our dear Miss Jean of the Canadian Cats is in hospital so please put
paws together and send your good wishes to her.