Casey and his Momma would like to ask for our POTP for Jessie.
Jessie is a fun loving girl and had such fun at our Park event she was
Dreaming of being Mary Poppins...look at that smile
This is from Jessie's Momma
We'd also like to ask for a little Power of the Paw. I went to the dogtor this week to have more blood stolen so we could see how my camel treatments are working. Momma was a little concerned because they don't seem to be making me feel any better, and I actually lose my appetite for a day or two after the treatments. Unfortunately, the blood tests don't show much of an improvement, and the dogtor isn't really sure what to do. So we're going to go back to visit the specialist who diagnosed me in the furst place to get another view of how my kidneys are working and see if he has any more suggestions. If you could keep your paws crossed for me, Momma and I would appreciate it.Click here to leave some purrs and love for Jessie or you may leave a comment on this post